Welcome to the 5C

The Connecting Communities Cancer Control Coalition (5C) is a group of individuals working together to reduce the cancer burden in Calhoun and Kalamazoo Counties through community collaboration.

The Priority Areas of the 5C are Tobacco/Lung Cancer Prevention, Prostate Cancer, HPV, Colorectal Cancer, and Breast Cancer.

Support the 5C by Making a Contribution.

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Volunteer to Help

The 5C uses volunteers to help with a variety of activities. Visit our Volunteer page to learn more.

If you have any questions about the Cancer Control Coalition, please visit the Contact Us page on this site.


You may view or download the minutes of these meetings from the meetings page.

  Did You Know?

Be sure to also visit our Did You Know page for additional tidbits of information, notes on the progress of initiatives, and just useful facts.

Your Risk of Lung Cancer

5C Digital Billboard

Whether you smoke now or not, if you have ever smoked, you should get screened for lung cancer. Visit the Bronson Health website to learn more.
Cancer in America
    PublicHealth.org Logo
Although cancer takes many forms, there are four that claim the lives of over a quarter of a million Americans every year: breast, prostate, lung, and colon/rectum. Read more …

Cancer Prevention

Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cancer: Prevention with the HPV vaccine. Read more …